Sunday, February 10, 2013

The SLR Difference

These pictures from a digital SLR are more about the difference in cameras than anything else. I selected them mostly for the shockingly richer feel compared with pix from a Coolpix or Powershot. The SLR is pretty old and a lot lower on the pixel count than the little guys, but the lens on the SLR is at least twice as wide. Glass counts, I guess. I know for sure the huge pixel counts on little cameras are just a marketing gimmick: pixels are cheap to add and few realize that more pixels cannot help a cheap lens.

All the shots in this post were taken by Mitch with a Nikon D70s SLR with (roughly) an 18-70mm Nikkor zoom lens which I dragged along one day just for fun. Mitch went nuts and shot over nine hundred pix about as fast as he could shoot.

Viewing tip: click to see the photo enlarged. Click again to see the next picture. Along the bottom you will see thumbnails that let you jump around at will.

The big one is good, but i lke the coolpix better cuz it fits in my pocket. It's not the camera for me, it's what speaks to me. What I see makes the difference not the camera. No matter the camera the picture is what counts when it speaks to someone. So I snap and delete until I'm satisfied with the end results. -- Mitch

Cameras differ but the way I see it is the end result. A picture speaks, not the camera. Big little makes no difference. What I see is my view of life in motion. It's not about the people it's what they wear or are doing at the moment I snap. I like the coolpix better because it fits in my pocket, no other reason. The big one's cool just doesn't fit anywhere, and weighs too much. Nice camera though. 

I said "mostly".


  1. The big one is good,but i lke the coolpix better cuz it fits in my pocket. Its not the camera for m its what speaks to me. What i see makes the difference not the mtter the camera the picture is what counts when ir speaks to someone. Si i snap and delete until im satisfied with the end results.

    1. It's a good thing the new 55-300mm (about 5x) zoom lens I just got is not all that much bigger than the 18-70mm zoom we had before. It is a new version of the same lens they used to make which was so big people did not like it.

  2. Cameras differ but the way i see it is the end result. A picture speaks not the camera. Bug little makes no difference. What i see is my view of life in motion. Its not about the people its what they wear or are doing at the moment i snap. I like the coolpix better because it fits in my pocket,no other reason. The big ones cool just doesnt fit anywhere,and weighs to much. Nice camera though.

    1. Yep. What good is a big camera if I left it home because I did not want to be bothered? But we have a good solution where I drag it along sometimes so you can shoot for an hour or two and then unload it on me. And you'll need the higher quality if you start selling prints.
