Sunday, October 14, 2018

Truly Mitch's Eyes

Here's Mitch.

Maybe we will make it a tradition to start each show with Mitch himself. And this particular post is indeed just a look at Fort Lauderdale and the universe through Mitch's eyes. But first a public service announcement from Mitch:

Sorry, not many pics today, at the church volunteering. So as we look to the sky and offer up a prayer for those who have breast cancer, and those who have survived. Here's to you all, may all things be made whole within you and all sickness be removed, cast aside to never appear again. Have a blessed day. -- Mitch

Here in New Jersey we would not call that "surf", but that ship is just outside a reef that keeps things mighty calm along the beach. Neat trick walking down to the surf to create a storm-tossed illusion.

On the waterway it is pure glass.

Here is our quiet bay.

"Birds fly free so as the day dawns let your mind fly as well." -- Mitch 

Looks ominous. Mother Nature can be such a drama queen. I miss the tropic weather.

I like the tiles in the next shot. And this is where I did William CC Chen's long form tai chi. I need to get back to that. Thanks for the reminder, Mitch.

Good morning all. Welcome to the new day. Hold your head high and tell the world I'm strong, confident, and capable of accomplishing anything. Today I'm a better me than I was yesterday. Have a blessed day. -- Mitch

Ansel Adams had the Sierras and Mitch has his sunrises, but his eyes love macro as much.

Never quite got the story, but the beach had some visitors one day. There is free range and then there is free range.

Welcome to the new day we got a special on beach chicken today. As we wake we must realize that life is full of surprises. -- Mitch
We must not forget the palm trees.

Stop rushing into the vast unknown headlong moving to nowhere. -- Mitch

May the day shine down upon you like the dawn shining on my feathered friends,as they begin their day. Let your spirit fly free and soar in the morning sky. Call one to another a hearty good morning, it will make someones day. Be thankful that God has given us the moment. Have a blessed day. -- Mitch

Sun sets on another day. We watch as the world slowly starts to sleep. We can only wonder how we let such beauty pass us by. -- Mitch
And now we segue into the artistic realm with one last shot of the palms introducing a sequence of shots that remind we of wandering around an art museum, like the three times I have done that.

Be at peace with yourself. Just know that the right decisions are the ones that hurt most. Have a blessed night. -- Mitch

Here's a side of Mitch I have never seen. I had to include it, as you will see.
Repeat ... Jesus, you are my strength .... I love you ..... I need you ..... heal me and my family .... Pass the message to 8 people and you will see a miracle. Do not keep it please. -- Mitch

I used to crop and edit more, but not so much these days. And as a rule I prefer shots with a story and not just a nice sunrise, but then I remind myself that this blog is about Mitch's eyes, not mine. These are the things that make him get out the camera.

May the day shine down upon you like the dawn shining on my feathered friends,as they begin their day. Let your spirit fly free and soar in the morning sky. Call one to another a hearty good morning, it will make someones day. Be thankful that God has given us the moment. Have a blessed day. -- Mitch

I almost did not go with this one because it is cool but there is nothing in it. Then I decided I just liked it, empty or not.

"The vastness of empty space with just me filling it." -- Mitch

Mitch caught X prepping for  his photo shoot and turned a playful pose into Michelangelo.

Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. -- Psalm 30:5

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