Besides, the name of this blog reminds me we should just pick up where we left off and take a look at the world through Mitch's Eyes. Speaking of which...
The Man Himself
What a great hat. Cannot say I remember Mitch with a hat. But we approach the summer solstice and maybe the hair on top wanes. Respect the sun. This next shot cools things off.
I wonder if Mitch anticipated the lens flare below.
Next we are reminded of Mitch'e affinity for wildlife. Look at the size of those feet!
Next we have future wildlife, sea turtle eggs being attended to by volunteers who spot the places were mommy turtle laid her eggs and set up protective markers. I did not realize they dug down to the eggs for some reason. I must Google this, and hope I have not guessed wrong at to what they are up.
We must not forget the ladies.
Or the sailors at sea awaiting their time in harbor.
Or the great trees of the picnic area. I wonder how this Memorial Day went. Sometimes when the day is done and the young ones move on from a long day of partying it gets exciting on A1A North.
Let us close with a puzzle from Mitch.
Knowing Mitch's Buddha nature, I suspect Gertrude Stein would solve this in a heartbeat.
Welcome back, Mitch!
Well when snapped this it was just a thought roe the laduea.I call this stark reality harsh beauty mostly it's just my laud back narure.h