Friday, August 31, 2018


Artists! Mitch has been kicking my ass for not putting up his latest shots. He did not know I just started a new job and in my game we have to work double-time at first if we want to get on top of existing systems.

Anyway, it is a great company and they gave us Friday before Labor Day to make it a four day break and I may need all of that to keep up with the Ansel Adams of Fort Lauderdale.

I am glad Mitch pestered me. I had not had time even to look at most of them and now that I have things look promising. But first, the player intros.

That is x on the left and Mitch on the right.
Mitch says x came later, after I had moved on to Atlanta, Tampa, and New Jersey. No word on his story, but x is the unknown variable which aligns nicely with Buddha's insight that the self is an illusion. Could also just be the Malcom X thing rejecting the white name. 

Micth makes a sale!

Looks like Mitch is back making jewelry. Or is this an earlier customer dropping by to say Hi? Love the attitude. 

Here are some more new friends.

"My birds just chilling in the rain. We miss the beauty in front of us,because we rush past so fast it becomes a blur. Each day God opens up and shows us how much he loves us. Keep smiling and be happy always." - Mitch
 Apparently Mitch's friends like x, too.

"This is what happens when you drink all, morning without drinking water." - Mitch
Let's not forget to see the world through Mitch's eyes.

Van Gogh, move over.

I surfed right past this next one then said to myself, Wait. What was that?

It was so minimalist I almost missed the magic in the shades.

Ha. Just remembered, Mitch kills color minimalism. Usually it is bichromal...OK, in the Far East black is a color, let's call this a study in blue and gray.

While we are contemplating vehicles...

Hey, we're on the ocean, what's with all the land vehicles?

Lived there for five years, never once got on the water. Go figure.

Well, three minutes from my crib was a sports bar with great food, great staff, great regulars, a great view and not too bad skating on the boardwalk and Mitch and Joe and Jimmy and OG on the wall. Life was complete.

Speaking of views...

Don't be a dummy like me and keep thinking these are sunsets...

 This is Fort Lauderdale, on the east coast of Florida.

"Well shot fire, and throw away all the matches." - Mitch
Not sure who that is above. Below looks like x taking energy from the water.

"As the moon sets the sun also rises. Look in to the sky I can only say what a glorious blessed day." - Mitch

Mitch likes flora as much as fauna. Caught a cactus in bloom, and the camera flash had fun with the blossom.

This is a sunset, and Mitch gets the last word.

"Everyone have a blessed night. And take time to dance with the universe." - Mitch